In this paper, we consider two chaotic finance models recently studied in the literature. The first one, introduced by Huang and Li, has a form of three first-order nonlinear differential equationṡ x = z + (y − a)x,ẏ = 1 − by − x 2 ,ż = − x − cz. The second system, called a hyperchaotic finance model, is defined bẏ x = z + (y − a)x + u, z = − x − cz,ẏ = 1 − by − x 2 , u = − dx y − ku. In both models, (a, b, c, d, k) are real positive parameters. In order to present the complexity of these systems Poincaré cross sections, bifurcation diagrams, Lyapunov exponents spectrum and the Kaplan-Yorke dimension have been calculated. Moreover, we show that the Huang-Li system is not integrable in a class of functions meromorphic in variables (x, y, z), for all real values of parameters (a, b, c), while the hyperchaotic system is not integrable in the case when k = c and := 1 + d(a + d − c) > 0. We give analytic proofs of these facts analyzing properties of the differential Galois groups of variational equations along cer-The research has been supported by the National Science Centre of Poland under Grants DEC