To understand 31P relaxation processes and hence molecular dynamics in the phospholipid multilayer it is important to measure the dependence of the 31P spin-lattice relaxation time on as many variables as the physical system allows. Such measurements of the 31P spin-lattice relaxation rate have been reported both as a function of Larmor frequency and temperature for egg phosphatidylcholine liposomes (Milburn, M.P., and K.R. Jeffrey. 1987. Biophys. J. 52:791-799). In principle, the spin-lattice relaxation rate in an anisotropic environment such as a bilayer will be a function of the angle between the bilayer normal and the magnetic field. However, the measurement of this angular dependence has not been possible because the rapid (on the time-scale of the spin-lattice relaxation rate) diffusion of the lipid molecules over the curved surface of the liposome average this dependence (Milburn, M.P., and K.R. Jeffrey. 1987. Biophys. J. 52:791-799; Brown, M.F., and J.H. Davis. 1981. Chem. Phys. Lett. 79:431-435). This paper reports the results of the measurement of the 31P spin-lattice relaxation rate as a function of this angle, beta', (the angle between the bilayer normal and the external magnetic field) using samples oriented between glass plates. These measurements were made at high field (145.7 MHz) where the spin-lattice relaxation processes are dominated by the chemical shielding interaction (Milburn, M.P., and K.R. Jeffrey. 1987. Biophys. J. 52:791-799). A model of molecular motion that includes a fast axially symmetric rotation of the phosphate group (tau i approximately 10(-9) s) and a wobble of the head group tilt with respect to this rotation axis has been used to describe both the angular dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation and the spectral anisotropy. Cholesterol is seen to have a negligible effect on the motional properties of the phospholipid phosphate segment as measured by the orientation dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation.