The spectrum of the ss mesons is studied performing a phenomenological analysis of the Regge trajectories defined for the excitation energies. For the φ(3 3 S 1) state the mass M(φ(3S)) = 2100(20) MeV and the leptonic width Γ ee (φ(3S)) = 0.27(2) keV are obtained, while the mass of the 2 3 D 1 state, M(φ(2 3 D 1)) = 2180(5) MeV, appears to be in agreement with the mass of the φ(2170) resonance, and its leptonic width, Γ ee (2 3 D 1) = 0.20 ± 0.10 keV, has a large theoretical uncertainty, depending on the parameters of the flattened confining potential. 1 Introduction Recently BES III observed a new resonant structure in the J/ψ → φη η decays in the φη invariant mass distribution, denoted as X (2000) [1]. The quantum numbers of X (2000) are not fixed yet and two possibilities are presented. First, assuming the state