When moving on an overpass, a rolling stock is exposed to a complex combination of air flows formed as a result of displacement and inertial entrainment of air masses by the moving body, as well as lateral air mass flows from the open space. The aerodynamic loading formed in this way differs from the variant of train movement on a high embankment.A numerical simulation of the aerodynamic load on a high-speed train when it moves on overpasses located in areas of intense wind exposure was performed. An assessment of the stability of the rolling stock under the effect of the “drift” phenomenon was carried out: the simultaneous action of a crosswind and inertial pressurization of air masses. Combinations of aerodynamic impact components were determined, under which conditions for an unacceptable decrease in the level of weight load on the running wheels of the bogies are formed. Limit values of the speed mode of train movement were established depending on the aerodynamic load formed under storm conditions.The results of the studies showed the presence of a certain correlation between the level of turbulence of the disturbed air environment in the corridor of movement of a railway vehicle and reactions in the contact groups “running wheels – rail head” of the front and rear bogies.