It is well known that theorems of Lieb-Schultz-Mattis type prohibit the existence of a trivial symmetric gapped ground state in certain systems possessing a combination of internal and lattice symmetries. In the continuum description of such systems, the Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem is manifested in the form of a quantum anomaly afflicting the symmetry. We demonstrate this phenomenon in the context of the deconfined critical point between a Neel state and a valence bond solid in an S = 1/2 square lattice antiferromagnet and compare it to the case of S = 1/2 honeycomb lattice where no anomaly is present. We also point out that new anomalies, unrelated to the microscopic Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem, can emerge, prohibiting the existence of a trivial gapped state in the immediate vicinity of critical points or phases. For instance, no translationally invariant weak perturbation of the S = 1/2 gapless spin chain can open up a trivial gap even if the spin-rotation symmetry is explicitly broken. The same result holds for the S = 1/2 deconfined critical point on a square lattice.