Dopaminergic and glutamatergic systems are critical components responsible for prefrontal signal-to-noise tuning in working memory. Recent functional MRI (fMRI) studies of genetic variation in these systems in catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) and in metabotropic glutamate receptor mgluR3 (GRM3), respectively, suggest that these genes influence prefrontal physiological signalto-noise in humans. Here, using fMRI, we extend these individual gene findings to examine the combined effects of COMT and GRM3 on dissociable components of the frontoparietal working memory network. We observed an apparent epistatic interaction of these two genes on the engagement of prefrontal cortex during working memory. Specifically, the GRM3 genotype putatively associated with suboptimal glutamatergic signaling was significantly associated with inefficient prefrontal engagement and altered prefrontalparietal coupling on the background of COMT Val-homozygous genotype. Conversely, COMT Met-homozygous background mediated against the effect of GRM3 genotype. These findings extend putative brain dopaminergic and glutamatergic relationships indexed by COMT and GRM3 to a systems-level interaction in human cortical circuits implicated in working memory dysfunction such as in schizophrenia.dopamine ͉ functional MRI ͉ genetics ͉ schizophrenia D opaminergic and glutamatergic abnormalities have long served as major theoretical frameworks for understanding the pathophysiology as well as pharmacology of schizophrenia and its cognitive deficits, particularly working memory (1-4). They are also central in the neural dynamics mediating sustained activity of prefrontal neurons during working memory, and in optimizing cortical signal-to-noise (5-10). Locally sustained activity of prefrontal neurons crucial in the maintenance of information during the delay period of working memory tasks (11) seems to be protected against distracters and instability by dopamine-mediated mechanisms (12). This mechanism is likely to be through dopamine D1-receptors (9) and through their role in enhancing NMDA receptor-mediated postsynaptic currents in prefrontal pyramidal neurons active during the delay period (7, 10, 13). Concurrently, D1-receptors seem to cause a tonic increase in the firing of GABAergic inhibitory interneurons, allowing a focused increase in task-relevant activity while reducing that which is not, thus optimizing signal-to-noise (14). Therefore, dopaminergic and glutamatergic (and GABAergic) systems act together in signal-to-noise tuning critical for information processing and should have important interactions of relevance at the in vivo systems level.Less is known, however, about how these molecular and singleneuron paradigms resonate in vivo during prefrontally mediated human executive and cognitive control processes (15, 16). Biophysically based neural network models suggest that the reverberatory complement of excitatory and inhibitory NMDA and dopaminergic (and GABA) mechanisms underlie both persistent activity in working memory as well as its ex...