Aim. Today we have the need to develop more effective teaching methods, where thestudent is no longer just a user, but becomes an integral part of the training process by creating,selecting and processing experiences in a personal way. Digital teaching has become/isbecoming part of the school scenario along with the wealth of digital technologies and toolsthat have spread over the past decades. Today’s society has changed and even the schoolmust be able to exploit all resources that social networks make available for capturing theattention of “digital natives”.Methods. The student becomes an active constructor of knowledge, integrating it in apersonal way. We talk about “didactics 2.0”, i.e. the study and improvement of teachingactivity achievable with the use of ICT tools. To create a learning environment, we musttake into account the collaboration of several parties (teachers, experts in the fi eld, students,parents), not forgetting the complexity and multiplicity of the surrounding reality. Thislearning environment can profi tably use social networks; students show to learn better ifthey fi nd meaningful the subjects they are studying.Results. The paper illustrates tools and forms of collaboration achievable with thedigital educational school environment. Social networks are used by students to thepoint of becoming a real language for “digital natives”. When we talk about digitalculture, we want to highlight the participation and digitalisation of traditional culturalprocesses, from which the educational environment does not escape. In the “school2.0” approach there are some peculiarities leading the school system towards the newgenerations.Conclusions. The need to “digitise” the school is a current hot topic, also if in everydayreality the work to do is still a lot: non-existent or obsolete computer labs, teachers who donot consider computers as a resource. Digitised teaching can be realised according to multiplechannels that have different characteristics and purposes.