Chronic biceps brachii (BB) tendinopathy is a rare cause of lameness in horses that can be challenging to diagnose and treat successfully. This pathology is typically insidious in onset and unresponsive to conservative treatment. A 12-year-old Quarter Horse gelding presented for chronic severe lameness of the left forelimb that was localised to the left shoulder area. The horse was unresponsive to conservative management and surgical exploration revealed a grossly enlarged proximal BB tendon, a thickened fibrotic bicipital bursa and adhesions between the tendon, humerus and bursa. With standing sedation and local anaesthesia, the adhesions were debrided and 10 cm of the affected tendon was excised. Immediately post-operatively, the left forelimb lameness dramatically decreased. The horse recovered well and after rehabilitation returned to the previous level of athletic performance without evidence of lameness or gait abnormality. In this case, tenectomy of the chronic unresponsive BB tendinopathy, with associated bursal fibrosis and humeral adhesions, was successful and resulted in a return to previous athletic performance without complications. Standing excision of the BB tendon may be a viable treatment option for chronic BB tendinopathy and associated conditions when there is significant compromise to the integrity of the BB tendon.