We report on the experimental realization of a robust and efficient magneto-optical trap for erbium atoms, based on a narrow cooling transition at 583 nm. We observe up to N = 2 × 10 8 atoms at a temperature of about T = 15 µK. This simple scheme provides better starting conditions for direct loading of dipole traps as compared to approaches based on the strong cooling transition alone, or on a combination of a strong and a narrow kHz transition. Our results on Er point to a general, simple and efficient approach to laser cool samples of other lanthanide atoms (Ho, Dy, and Tm) for the production of quantum-degenerate samples.PACS numbers: 37.10. De, 37.10.Vz Laser cooling of non-alkali atoms has become a very active and challenging field of research. The great appeal of unconventional atomic systems for experiments on ultracold atomic quantum gases stems from the possibility of engineering complex interactions and of accessing rich atomic energy spectra. Both features are at the foundation of a number of novel fascinating phenomena. For instance the energy spectra of two-valence-electron species, as alkaline earth and alkalineearth-like atoms, feature narrow and ultra-narrow optical transitions, which are key ingredients for ultra-precise atomic clocks [1], efficient quantum computation schemes [2], and novel laser cooling approaches as beautifully demonstrated in experiments with Sr, Yb,.As a next step in complexity, multi-valence-electron atoms with non-S electronic ground state such as lanthanides are currently attracting an increasing experimental and theoretical interest. Among many, one of the special features of lanthanides is the exceptionally large magnetic dipole moment of atoms in the electronic ground state (e. g. 7 µ B for Er and 10 µ B for both Dy and Tb), which provides a unique chance to study strongly dipolar phenomena with atoms. Highly magnetic atoms interact with each other not only via the usual contact interaction but also via an anisotropic and long-range interaction, known as the dipole-dipole interaction [6]. Chromium was the first atomic species used for experiments on atomic dipolar quantum gases [7,8], and the even more magnetic lanthanides are nowadays in the limelight thanks to laser cooling experiments on Er and Tm [9,10] and to the recent realization of quantumdegenerate Dy gases [11,12].Similarly to Yb and the alkaline earth atoms, the atomic energy spectra of magnetic lanthanides include broad, narrow, and ultra-narrow optical transitions. This collection of lines is reflected in a wide choice of possible schemes for laser cooling experiments. However, all experiments on Zeeman slowing and cooling in a magneto-optical trap (MOT) with magnetic lanthanides so far relied on an approach, essentially based on the strongest cycling transition [9,10,13]. This broad transition typically lies in the blue between 400 and 430 nm and has a linewidth on the order of few tens of MHz. As a consequence, the Doppler temperature is close to a mK. Such a high temperature makes direct loading f...