The hybrid skyrmion, a type of magnetic skyrmion with intermediate helicity between Bloch and N'eel skyrmion, has gained more attraction. It is tolerant toward the skyrmion Hall effect and a potential candidate for quantum bits. We investigated the stabilization and helicity control of the hybrid skyrmion in a two-dimensional magnetic system using an analytical model and micromagnetic simulation. We look at the interplaying factors of the bulk ($D_b$) and interfacial ($D_i$) Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (DMI) along with the dipolar interaction. We show that the hybrid skyrmion can stabilize through the interplay between interfacial DMI and either bulk DMI or dipolar interaction. We can also control the helicity of the hybrid skyrmion by tuning the ratio of $D_i/D_b$ when there is no dipolar interaction, or simply by adjusting the $D_i$ when the $D_b$ is absent. Our results suggest that hybrid skyrmions can exist within $0 < |D_i| < 0.4$ mJ/m$^2$ for Co-based magnetic systems.