For performance optimization of a large-scale wireless sensor network (WSN), we developed a new WSN called the WSN with optimal cluster head number (OCHN) and adaptive energy routing strategy (AERS) based on sensor distribution (SD) design, which is referred to as WSNOA. There were three strategies for WSNOA construction. First, a four-ring network model, a heterogeneous energy model of the sensor node, and an energy consumption model of data transmission were designed. Second, the OCHN calculation method was derived on the basis of the energy consumption of each ring and the minimum for the four rings of the WSNOA when sensors were distributed uniformly. Third, the AERS was designed to avoid the non-adaptive energy consumption problem. Compared with the three traditional WSNs, namely, low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy algorithm (LEACH), stable election protocol (SEP), and ring-based multi-hop clustering routing algorithm (RBMC), the WSNOA was experimentally proved to prolong the WSN lifetime by 25.6% compared with RBMC and to increase the received data packet quantities by 2.2, 39.4, and 41.5% for the sink node compared with the RBMC, SEP, and LEACH, respectively. In addition, the WSNOA was more suitable for the relatively large-scale WSN, especially if the WSN radius is more than 240 m.