Abstract. The purpose of the article is to analyse and systematize scientific approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the information economy. The research object: scientific approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the concept of "information economy". The theoretical and methodological base of the research consists of works by D. Bell, Z. Brzezinski, J. Baudrillard, M. Castells, Yoneji Masuda, F. Machlup, M. Porat, A. Toffler, which are devoted to issues of development of information society. Analysis of recent research and publications allows noting an increasing scientific interest in issues of formation of the economy of information type. The essence and features of information economy are considered in scientific papers of scholars such as Hrynkevych S., Iliash A., Krystynevych S., Malyk I., Nikolaiev Ye., Bazhal Yu., Tolstiakov R., Shkarlet S., Fedulova L., Chukhno A., and others. Research methods: analysis, content analysis, synthesis, system method. Increasing scientific interest in the formation of the information economy leads to an increase in the number of publications on this topic; pluralism of scientific approaches to the consideration of the essence of the information economy actualizes the need for their systematization. The theory of information economy logically follows and is a component of the theory of the development of information society. Along with it, there is an approach in the scientific literature, according to which scholars identify the concept of information society and information economy. In our opinion, this approach is not well-balanced, since the term "information society" is inherently wider than "information economy". The latter can be considered as an inherent component of the information society, which development is determined by a number of specific factors. In other words, these terms are closely interrelated and they should be investigated in the context of links between them, however, we should not consider them as synonymous terms. There is no the only consistent interpretation of the term "information economy" in the scientific literature, which is explained by differences in views and research methods of different scholars. Moreover, this is complemented by the high dynamism of the economic component of the information society, which is why new aspects of its study are constantly emerging. Conclusions. The article analyses views of domestic and foreign scholars on the essence of the information economy. Systematization of scientific approaches made it possible to note that their pluralism is determined by differences in the views of scientists, the methodology used, scientific schools, etc. The analysed definitions are characterized by different degrees of concreteness, abstractness, scale, complexity, completeness, and systematicity in disclosing the essence of information economy with possible identification of the component composition and determinants of its development. Based on the systematization of scientific approaches to the interp...