In the study, it was aimed to examine the views of primary school teachers about electronic portfolio (e-portfolio). The purpose of the research was to seek answers to such questions; "what is the awareness of primary school teachers about eportfolio?", "what are the views of primary school teachers about the functions of eportfolio?" and "what are the views of primary school teachers towards the outcomes of the e-portfolio?" "Case study", one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. In the study, typical case sampling method, which is one of the purposeful sampling methods, was used to determine the participants. Based on the typical case sampling, 20 teachers who were Primary school teachers in one of the schools located in the city center of Ankara and İstanbul participated in the study on the basis of volunteering and also these schools did not exhibit any unusual feature. A standartized open ended interview form was prepared to collect the data of the research. In the research, 15 interview questions were used. Content analysis, which is one of the commonly used methods in qualitative research, was taken as the basis in the analysis of the data. In addition, the statements of the participants were quoted in terms of the objectivity of the study and the revival of the reader. As a result, when the codes emerging under the theme of teachers' awareness of using e-portfolio are examined, it is revealed that teachers' awareness is high. However, it was seen that some of them did not know about the use of e-pertfolio and did not consider themselves sufficient. When the teachers' views about the functions of the e-portfolio and the codes that emerged under these views were analyzed, they said that eportfolio has many aspects different from other methods and its advantages are more than its disadvantages. Finally, when the teachers' views about e-portfolio's outputs and the codes under the views are examined, it is seen that they think that they will contribute to the students in many dimensions and fields. This shows that teachers' views towards using e-portfolios are generally positive and there is no obstacle to use them when they have sufficient infrastructure and equipment.