OBJECTIVES: By convention, abortion is defined as pregnancy termination upto 20 weeks of gestation or less than 500 gram birth weight and can be either spontaneous or induced. Induced abortion is the medical or surgical intervention of pregnancy before the time of foetal viability. According to the Consortium on National Consensus for Medical Abortion in India, every year an average of about 11 million abortions take place annually and around 20,000 women die every year due to abortion related complications. Medical abortion is an important alternative to surgical abortion for women who do not want a surgical procedure. Various regimens have been proposed for the administration of the mifepristone/ misoprostol combination. The objectives of the study were to determine the effectiveness and side effects of the combined regime of 200mg oral mifepristone and 800 mcg of vaginal misoprostol. METHODS: This was a prospective study involving 100 women ≥18 years with upto 9 weeks of gestation and attended genecology OPD for MTP. The women received 200mg mifepristone orally followed by 800 mcg of vaginal misoprostol 48 hours later and were sent home after an observation period of 6 hours. They returned 14 days later for an ultrasonographic evaluation. Surgical intervention was indicated for continuing pregnancy, excessive bleeding or other serious medical conditions. RESULTS: Of the 100 subjects, 96% had complete abortion and 4% had undergone surgical intervention. The mean abortion induction interval was 4.7 hours. The commonest side effect was abdominal cramps (66%), followed by nausea (42%) and vomiting (16%). CONCLUSION: It is a safe, effective, reliable, non-invasive method of medical abortion.