With routine obstetric ultrasound examinations, ovarian cysts are now more commonly diagnosed during pregnancy and their management is still a challenging clinical issue among obstetricians. The aim of this paper is to review the different management options of ovarian cysts detected during pregnancy, and it highlights the emergence of laparoscopic technique as a valuable therapeutic tool in these conditions. The review shows that conservative management and ultrasound follow-up is sufficient for the majority of cases of ovarian cysts during pregnancy. It also discusses the limitations of tumour markers during pregnancy, and the controversy around ultrasound-guided aspiration procedures. Emerging evidence suggests that if surgery is necessary, then it is preferable to perform an elective laparoscopic procedure at 16 - 23 weeks' gestation. It is time to consider establishing a UK registry to monitor the treatment offered to those women and to develop national guidelines to help in the management of this controversial issue.