-Pineoblastomas are uncommon pineal tumors, which demonstrate rapid growing and poor prognosis. We report the case of a 43-year-old man with an enhancing pineal region mass, which showed restriction of the diffusion on diffusion-weighted (DW) MR images. The surgical biopsy defined the diagnosis of pineoblastoma and the therapy was initiated with radiation and chemotherapy. Three months later, the follow-up MR imaging showed areas suggestive of necrosis and the DW images demonstrate no significant areas of restricted diffusion. The differential diagnosis of pineal region masses that could show restriction of diffusion is discussed.Key WoRDs: pineoblastoma, magnetic resonance imaging, diffusion-weighted imaging.
imagens pesadas em difusão e pineoblastoma: diagnóstico e acompanhamentoResumo -Pineoblastomas são tumores incomuns da glândula pineal, os quais têm crescimento rápido e prognóstico reservado. os autores objetivam relatar o caso de um homem de 43 anos de idade com uma massa na região pineal com realce pelo contraste, a qual demonstrou restrição da difusão nas imagens de ressonância magnética (RM) pesadas em difusão. A biópsia cirúrgica definiu o diagnóstico de pineoblastoma e o tratamento foi iniciado com radio e quimioterapia. Três meses mais tarde, a RM de controle demonstrou áreas sugestivas de necrose e não mais eram observadas áreas de restrição da difusão da água. o diagnóstico diferencial das massas na região pineal que podem apresentar restrição da difusão é discutido.PAlAvRAs-chAve: pineoblastoma, ressonância magnética, imagens pesadas em difusão.
Dr. Emerson L. Gasparetto -Rua Lopes Trovão 88 / 1702B -24220-071 Niterói RJ -Brasil. E-mail: egasparetto@gmail.comPineal parenchymal neoplasms account for less than 15% of all pineal region masses. The pineoblastoma is the malignant variant, composed of undifferentiated or immature cells. This lesion is unencapsulated and often invades directly into the adjacent brain or may spread through the csF 1,2 . Regarding the imaging findings, cT scans may show a pineal mass with calcification and contrast enhancement. The MR images demonstrate a lesion hypoor iso-intense on T1-and hyperintense on T2-weighted images, with heterogeneous enhancement after gadolinium administration. however, there is a considerable overlap of the imaging findings of pineoblastomas and pineocytomas 1-3 . The diffusion-weighted (DW) MR imaging provides information about the movement of the water molecules along random pathways. Many factors may cause restriction of water diffusion in living tissues, such as cellular compartmentalization, cell type and number, cell membrane density, and macromolecule size and type 4 . several authors have studied the application of DW images in brain neoplasms, trying to discriminate tumour tissue from oedema, cyst or necrosis, and even trying to access tumour cellularity and grading 5,6 . however, to our knowledge, the DW imaging findings of pineoblastomas were not previously assessed.We present the DW imaging findings of a patient with pin...