Abstract. We study the large-scale evolution and flow in a fractured karst aquifer by means of a newly developed numerical method. A karst aquifer is discretized into a set of irregularly spaced nodal points, which are connected to their set of natural neighbors to simulate a network of interconnected conduits in two dimensions. The conduits are allowed to enlarge by solutional widening. The geometric flexibility of this method, along with a simplified model for the dissolution kinetics within the system water-carbon dioxide-calcite, enables us to study both laminar and turbulent flow in a karst aquifer during its early phase of evolution. A sensitivity analysis is conducted for parameters such as conduit diameter, hydraulic pressure differences, and recharge conditions along the surface of the aquifer and shows that passage evolution depends strongly on the recharge condition and the amount of water available. Under fixed hydraulic head boundary conditions an early single-passage system develops under laminar conditions and is transformed into a maze-like passage system after the onset of turbulence. Fixed recharge boundary conditions are more likely to result in a branchwork-like passage system, although the addition of distributed recharge may lead to a maze-like system of secondary passages.
IntroductionA mature karst landscape is characterized by the virtual absence of surface flow and by subsurface drainage through cave systems. Subsurface flow is often established between sinking streams along the boundaries of insoluble and soluble rocks and major entrenched valleys serving as base level for resurgences. The dissolution of limestone within the system water-carbon dioxide-calcite is a prominent geomorphic process for the evolution of both surface and subsurface morphological features in a karst landscape, and our understanding of the dissolution process and its implications on flow and passage patterns in the karst aquifer is important for the interpretation of large-scale karst landscape evolution.The The widely different passage patterns characterizing the different types of caves lead to several questions, for example, what processes are responsible for cave development, and under which conditions do each of the specific cave passage patterns result. We focus our attention on the two most important cave types, branchwork and network caves, and follow Palmer [1991] in arguing that groundwater recharge is the most important factor controlling cave passage enlargement in these cases. Palmer showed that 67% of the total cave passage length originates from recharge through valleys and sinking streams, and 10% evolved around recharge points located along boundaries between soluble and insoluble rock. He concluded that recharge through discrete, small-catchment sinkholes is likely to result in branchwork caves. On the other hand, network (or 3223