Over the past decade, leukemia exists and frequently occurs in adults. Radiation exposure, hereditary syndromes, smoking, age, and many other unknown factors are generally the major risk factors for leukemia. "cute myeloid leukemia "ML is a hematological malignancy that is dispersed from its beginning and may be perceived as a prototype of metastatic cancer, yet leukemia is considered a highly malignant neoplasms responsible for a large number of cancer-related deaths. In addition, to uninhibited proliferation, leukemic cells dispense early from the bone marrow into the peripheral blood, followed by an infiltration of various organs such as lymph nodes, liver, spleen, lungs, intestinal tract, skin, or mucous membranes. †everal studies are concerned with the critical role of angiogenesis in the development and growth of solid tumors and hematological malignancies. Moreover, angiogenic mediators created by "ML cells act through external or internal autocrine loops, thereby directly indorsing cell survival, spread, and disease development. In recent years, many researchers focus on angiopioetins "ng , an innovative family of angiogenic mediators, which have shown to be vital regulators of angiogenesis and vascular stability. "ng-and its antagonist "ng-act via the receptor tyrosine kinase s ‡ie , which is expressed in endothelial cells ECs of the vasculature and in subset of hematopoietic stem cells. "inding of "ng-causes phosphorylation of s ‡ie and ensures the integrity of the vasculature by stimulating interactions between ECs and endothelial support cells. ‡his chapter reviews the incidence, mortality, pathogenesis, and diagnostic procedures of "ML. "s well as aims at evaluating serum levels of endostatin, MMP-, and uP"R in acute myeloid leukemia patients before chemotherapy and after achieving complete remission. "t the same time, the chapter also assesses the pretreatment levels of plasma "ng-, "ng-, and s ‡ie , and the calculated ratio of "ng /s ‡ie receptor in a cohort of "ML patients also studies their impact on the "ML patients' overall survival.