“…Likewise, from a meta-analysis of prediction studies of learning to read, Scarborough (1998) established, as Bond and Dykstra (1967) had three decades earlier, kindergarten LNK as the strongest single predictor of first-grade reading achievement and further concluded that a simple letter naming test ''appears to be nearly as successful at predicting future reading as is giving a more comprehensive readiness battery' ' (p. 83). Kindergarten LNK also predicts initial spelling achievement (Muter et al, 1997;Pennington & Lefly, 2001;Shatil, Share, & Levin, 2000) and contributes enduringly to reading achievement throughout elementary school years, and even afterwards (Blatchford & Plewis, 1990;Muehl & Di Nello, 1976;Vellutino & Scanlon, 1987).…”