. 2010. Temperature affects dry matter production and net carbon exchange rate of lower-ploidy Fragaria species and species hybrids. Can. J. Plant Sci. 90: 885Á892. Wild species can contribute to a breeding program through their wide adaptability to a range of habitats. In interspecific crosses it is not known how these species may interact in the hybrids. The dry matter production and net carbon exchange rates (NCER) of four lower-ploidy Fragaria species, four species hybrids (synthetic octoploids, SOs) and two cultivars (Allstar and Jewel) were compared under three day/night temperature regimes, low (158C/108C), medium (238C/188C) and high (308C/258C) in growth cabinets. Light intensity was maintained at 425 mmol m (2 s (1 and day length at 14 h. The wild Fragaria species had the highest NCERs across all temperature regimes. High temperatures had a depressing effect on plant dry weight for most genotypes. However, F. nubicola and SO 8245 produced 15 and 33%, respectively, higher plant dry weight at the high temperature compared with the low temperature treatment. Net carbon exchange rates for most species and synthetic octoploids were not significantly affected by high temperature. However, SO 8212 did not survive the high temperature treatment. The lower ploidy Fragaria species can be used to create synthetic octoploids that can maintain net carbon exchange rates and produce plant dry weights that are comparable with those of Fragaria cultivars. The ecological background of the species did not have a negative impact on the plant dry weight and NCER of the synthetic octoploids. Some of the SOs may be sources for improvement of Fragaria cultivars for dry matter production at higher temperatures. Une tempe´rature e´leve´e re´duit le poids sec de la plante pour la plupart des ge´notypes, cependant, F. nubicola et SO 8245 produisent respectivement 15% et 33% plus de matie`re se`che a`haute qu'a`basse tempe´rature. Les tempe´ratures e´leve´es n'affectent pas le taux d'e´change net de carbone de la majorite´des espe`ces et des octoploı¨des synthe´tiques. Toutefois, SO 8212 n'a pas surve´cu au re´gime de haute tempe´rature. Les espe`ces de Fragaria a`plus faible ploı¨die peuvent servir a`cre´er des octoploı¨des synthe´tiques au taux d'e´change net de carbone stable, capables de donner un poids sec similaire a`celui des cultivars de Fragaria. Le cadre e´cologique ou`pousse l'espe`ce n'a aucune incidence ne´gative sur le poids sec de la plante ni sur le TENC des octoploı¨des synthe´tiques. Une partie des OS pourrait servir a`ame´liorer les cultivars de Fragaria en ce qui concerne la production de matie`re se`che aux tempe´ratures plus e´leve´es. Abbreviations: NCER, net carbon exchange rates; PDW, plant dry weight; RDW, root dry weight; R:S, root:shoot ratio; SLW, specific leaf weight; SO, synthetic octoploidCan.