Desertification is one of world-wide environmental problems and it affects the livelihoods of millions of people, as it occur s on all continents. In order to prevent and reverse desertificat ion, reforestation is one of necessary approaches. Little plant can survive in the dry and extreme conditions in desert, and a mong these plants, Saxaul (Haloxylon ammodendron) is a ver y rare and successful species living in northwest China and m iddle Asia. Saxaul is less expensive and more effective; howe ver, direct seeding of this species, has not been promising. Al so, the seedlings of this species grow at a relatively slow rate, resulting in a mature and useful weapon against desertificati on in at least 4 or 5 years. A number of reasons have been pro posed to explain the unsuccessful plant establishment after se eding. Nanosecond pulsed electric fields, known as nsPEFs, h as shown to have accelerating effects on model plant growth r ate [1] [2] .In this study, the effects of nsPEFs on the germination, emerg ence and growth of the sexual seeds were observed and inves tigated. The seeds were exposed to 5 and 20 pulses with durat ion of 100ns at electric field intensity of 10, 20 and 30 kV/cm, separately. Parts of the treated and untreated (refers as "contr ol") seeds were placed on wet filter paper and for germinatio n, and the others were sowed in certain sand for long term gr owth. Germination percent of the treated seeds were higher th an control group after 24 hours, and the radical lengths of tre ated seeds were also longer after 48 hours. The treated seedli ngs emerged earlier than the control group. But when the ene rgy was too high, the stimulating effect changed into necrosis. Root lengths were also measured, and possible mechanism w as discussed in the paper. The nsPEFs with proper parameters may have potentials in improving the growth rate of Saxaul.1. W. Songnuan and P. Kirawanich, "Early growth effects on Arabidopsis thaliana by seed exposure of nanosecond pulsed