“…The larva described above has some striking featureS such as the tlattened abdomen with lateral expansion of the fifth segment and th e presence of a triangular lohe in the middle of the distal end of teison. The prese nce of the median lohe on the telson is a characteristic feature of so me of the species of Pillllofher('.I' (LEBOUR 1928 ;SANDOZ & HOPKINS 1947 ;NOBLE 1974: RI CE 1975PREGEN ZER 1979) (Fig, 9) [)lagno,I"', Carap,l l' e (i-ig , 9) ha, \ 'ery I()ng and thin rostral sp int' and anknna, ro,tral ,pille di,tlllL'lly IOllg e r than dorsal Spille whidl IS als() hlllg alld thin : lall'nti sp ill e i ... \'l' ry redul'ed alld slightly up-turtlt'li Ill\lanl ... the tip, EYe, are , eSS Iit' at thi s s lag" Ahdolllen (Fig, lJlI) co nsist.... ()r fi\ 'e 'l'", IllL' nh alld Id,Oll, ,eL'llild "','glllellt has a pall' or anterolatcrally dirt'L'le d lohe, I()c akd ne arer allterior horckr , third se", me nt has a pall' of nltll' h smaller projt'l, tion also plal't'lI,' lllsL'J' to th e anterior hordeI' : le lson deeply tllJ'ked, long and is almo, st threet-fourth t()tal le ngth or rin' , segmellh, di s tal elld ()r tciSOIl has normal three pair, of setae as well as a small ,eta on the d()rsa l s urface ,jus t hey()nd th e (Hlkrmllst seta of th e distal hord eI', Antennule I Fig, 9B) IS alm()st (wal ill shape and el()ngate'll alld \I 'ith a spinult' and two asthetasl' " /\ntenna (Fig, ()C) is c'Xtremly IOllg alld only \'e ry , lightly "horkr than long rostral ... pinc , it IS in th e form ()r a lOll", prm'e" whi c h ha ... a fL '\\ ... pi ,' ules near th e di , tal e nd, rvla x illule (Fig, lJD) ha, a tW() -lointed e lldoj1()dik w hi l' h IS prm'id, d With fi\ 'e IOll g setae at th , di , ... tal e nd as \\'t'11 as allother ,da O il th . : ha ... al Sc'!~l1lc' llt: ha,al alld c oxal t' ndik s hal e four setae ea,' h , Scaph()gnathite ()f III a x ilia (Fig , 9F) l'arri es four pIUIIl(), St' sdaL' on it s ()uter hord e I' : e lldopmlik is hilohed and ha ... thrt't' and h\,,: setal; on proximal and di s tal lohc'''' re, pec tl\ 'e l): ha ... al e nditc is htl o hed and arllled \I'lth Ilill e , da L: allli l'oxa l end I k has fi \ 'e ,t' ta e, I'rot llpodik Ilt Illaxilliped I (Fig , 9F) is prm'id t' d \\ 'Ith t' lght sdac' and fi\ 'e-se gl1le ntt'd e nd()podlk ha s setae dl,trthukd a, tillhl\I'''' fnlm first to fifth ,,'g lll ellt: 2, 2, I , :2 and -l: e xopodite l' arri e s four S\\'llllllllng , ... da e at thc' lip, Zoea 003 (Fig 13) I' hh lal \a \'«' a 1 ... 0 co ll n'ted all thl o ugh th e )ea r a, 1ll,' lltHlIlL'd hl'fm L' hut all th t' Ian aL' III th .. ',Ullple-, hL' longc'd to ~t"gc' i , i)1",l1o' I' , (';u '<I ); (" " (Fig, 11 :\ rostral; dorsal spine largest and curved posteriorly, lateral spine shortest.…”