On 26th September 1968, a hoard of jive gold Early Iron Age torcs was found during building operations on the Belstead Estate, Ipswich, Suffolk. Thejinder, who was employed as a diggerdriver by J. Gerrard and Sons, was MY Malcolm Tricker, aged 26, who has been awarded L45,OOO as
an ex gratia payment for what was declared to be Treasure Trove. In this article Miss Elizabeth Owles, Keeper of Archaeology in the Ipswich Museums and Art Galleries, describes this remarkable find. She is grateful to the British Museum Trustees for permission to publish the tmcs and for supplying the photographs, and thanks Mr John Brailsford for allowing facilities to study them, Dr A. Werner and MY P. Shover for providing additional information, and Miss Jean Burns of Glasgow University, Miss Barbara Greenof the Norwich Museums, and Mr K. Painter of the British Museum, for various helpful suggestions. (c) The Sedgeford torc (distorted and fragmentary): wt. of surviving fragment 455. jgm.; width of hoop 1.6 cm.; estimated external diam. 18.4 cm. See pp. 208-12] [Phutos: British Museum C C