The quest for content differentiation and audience engagement is paramount in the competitive landscape of Video-on-Demand (VOD) platforms. This paper proposes a system that could revolutionize how VOD platforms approach content creation. In this context, content differentiation refers to creating unique and distinct content that stands out from the competition. By investigating VOD platform series data, the system can recommend actors and themes to VOD vendors, helping them create innovative storylines. To achieve this, we analyzed the storylines of 72 VOD movie series to extract keywords. Using these keywords, we generated a network using Social Network Analysis. By examining the network, we identified content gaps. After semantic clustering, we utilized TOPSIS to determine keywords with high centrality scores. These are a foundation for connecting peripheral keywords and generating new content. The paper's findings suggest that the proposed content-based recommender system can help VOD platforms create innovative storylines by leveraging structural holes in a TV series content keyword graph. The study also suggests successful directors take risks by combining keywords from various network parts. This approach allows them to attract a broader range of audiences and increase their chances of success.