terminal of ~-amyloid deposits in human, canine, and polar bear brains. NEUROBIOL AGING 17(2) 249-257, 1996.--Immunocytochemistry, using antibodies specific for different carboxy termini of AI340 and AI342(43), was used to compare [3-amyloid deposits in aged animal models to nondemented and demented Alzheimer's disease human cases. Aged beagle dogs exhibit diffuse plaques in the absence of neurofibrillary pathology and the aged polar bear brains contain diffuse plaques and PHF-l-positiw~ neurofibrillary tangles. The brains of nondemented human subjects displayed abundant diffuse plaques, whereas the AD cases had both diffuse and mature (cored) neuritic plaques. Diffuse plaques were positively immunostained with an antibody against A[342(43) in all examined species, whereas AI340 immunopositive mature plaques were observed only in the human brain. Anti-Al~40 strongly immunolabeled cerebrovascular [3-amyloid deposits in each of the species examined, although some deposits in the polar bear brain were preferentially labeled with anti-A[342(43). [3-Amyloid deposition was evident in the outer molecular layer of the dentate gyrus in the aged dog, polar bear, and human. Within this layer, A1342 was present as diffuse deposits, although these deposits were morphologically distinct in each of the examined animal models. In dogs, A[342 was cloud-like in nature; the polar bear demonstrated a more aggregated type of deposition, and the nondemented human displayed well-defined deposits. Alzheimer's disease cases were most frequently marked by neuritic plaques in this region. Taken together, the data indicate that 13-amyloid deposition in aged mammals is similar to the earliest stages observed in human brain. In each species, AI342(43) is the initially deposited isoform in diffuse plaques.