A cordierite/SiC composite was created in situ with reactive sintering at 1250°C and 1300°C. The cordierite precursor was made from commercially available spinel, alumina and quartz and was mixed with the comercial SiC powder to obtain composite materials during the sintering. It was found that cordierite particles bind efficiently with the SiC powder during sintering and that reactive sintering is an effective way to produce ceramics at a relativly low temperature. The goal of this investigation was to check the possibilities of using the silicon carbide-cordierite composite as a material resistant to the erosive wear. The fluid dynamic system of the experimental methodology was used here to produce ultrasonic erosive wear. Two kinds of SiC/cordierite samples were investigated, KS 50 and KS 30, with different mass contents of cordierite (w = 50 % and w = 30 % of cordierite). The mass loss and the level of surface degradation were measured before and during the experiment. The level of surface degradation of the samples was monitored using the Image-Pro Plus program for the image analysis. It was found that after 150 min the mass loss was below 1.3 mg and the surface degradation was below 7 %. The obtained results indicated that both samples exhibited an excellent erosion resistance during the cavitation experiment. Keywords: ceramic-matrix composites (CMCs), damage tolerance, non-destructive testing, cavitation-erosion diameter and area Kompozit kordierit-SiC je bil izdelan in-situ z reakcijskim sintranjem pri 1250°C in 1300°C. Kordieritna predoblika, izdelana iz komercialno dostopnega {pinela, aluminijevega oksida in kremena, je bila zme{ana s prahom komercialnega SiC, da bi dobili s sintranjem kompozitni material. Ugotovljeno je, da delci kordierita u~inkovito ve`ejo SiC-prah med sintranjem in da je reakcijsko sintranje u~inkovita metoda za izdelavo keramike pri relativno nizki temperaturi. Cilj te raziskave je preveriti mo`nost uporabe SiC-kordieritnega materiala, odpornega proti obrabi z erozijo. Za ultrazvo~no erozijsko obrabo je bila uporabljena eksperimentalna metoda fluidnega dinami~nega sistema. Preiskovani sta bili dve vrsti vzorcev SiC-kordierit, KS 50 in KS 30, z razli~nima masnima vsebnostima kordierita (w = 50 % in w = 30 % kordierita). Masni dele`obrabe povr{ine je bil izmerjen pred preizkusom in po njem. Stopnja degradacije povr{ine vzorcev je bila ugotovljena s programom za analizo slik Image Pro Plus. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je bila izgube mase po 150 min manj{a od 1,3 mg in degradacija povr{ine manj{a od 7 %. Dobljeni rezultati ka`ejo, da imata med preizkusom kavitacije oba vzorca odli~no odpornost proti eroziji. Klju~ne besede: kompozit s kerami~no osnovo (CMCs), toleranca po{kodb, neporu{ne preiskave, premer in povr{ina erozije pri kavitaciji