Objectives: To investigate the immunological and neurological changes of COVID-19 in the elderly. Design: A review study. Participants: People over 60 years old with neurological disorders were included in this study. Outcome measures: Review of immunological and neurological aspects of COVID-19 in the elderly. Results: The novel coronavirus, an acute respiratory syndrome caused by coronavirus 2, has caused an epidemic of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) that has infected millions and killed many people worldwide. Moreover, studies showed that mortality is high in the elderly, especially those with comorbidities. Studies have indicated that biological changes in the immune system are a major contributor to the spread of various diseases, especially infectious diseases in the elderly. Therefore, all data and immunological outcomes should be disaggregated and analyzed by age to better understand the heterogeneity between disease incidence and aging. Conclusions: Indeed, understanding the pathogenesis of novel coronavirus disease (i.e., COVID-19) and subsequent vaccine development requires prospective studies on the impact of a novel coronavirus, especially on its long-term effects on aging populations in each country.