Statistical properties of the one-dimensional spring-block (Burridge-Knopoff) model of earthquakes obeying the rate and state dependent friction law are studied by extensive computer simulations. The quantities computed include the magnitude distribution, the rupture-length distribution, the mainshock recurrence-time distribution, the seismic time correlations before and after the mainshock, the mean slip amount, and the mean stress drop at the mainshock, etc. Events of the model can be classified into two distinct categories. One tends to be unilateral with its epicenter located at the rim of the rupture zone of the preceding event, while the other tends to be bilateral with enhanced "characteristic" features resembling the so-called "asperity". For both types events, the distribution of the rupture length Lr exhibits an exponential behavior at larger sizes, ≈ exp[−Lr/L0] with a characteristic "seismic correlation length" L0. The mean slip as well as the mean stress drop tends to be rupture-length independent for larger events. The continuum limit of the model is examined, where the model is found to exhibit pronounced characteristic features. In the continuum limit, the characteristic rupture length L0 is estimated to be ∼100 [km]. This means that, even in a hypothetical homogenous infinite fault, events cannot be indefinitely large in the exponential sense, the upper limit being of order ∼ 10 3 kilometers. Implications to real seismicity are discussed.