To Jill, for your unrelenting guidance throughout this entire process. Thank you for calming me down, making me feel safe and warm, listening to my problems, sharing your own, etc. I have never felt so genuinely supported by professor before, and I am so grateful for all the advice, support, and reinforcement.To the kind people at KSOI and KOTO-infinite thanks for speaking to me and giving me a sense of your wonderful communities.To Mom and Dad, for being my continuous support system, despite our distance. We've gone through a lot over the course of my college career, but no matter what changes, you are the family unit that has brought me to this point. You are my rocks. You are the best people in my life, my benchmarks for all other people. I love you both more deeply than I can possibly explain. Thank you, for all of it.To Matt, for being my creative inspiration and my God-given best friend. I am so lucky to have watched such a totally remarkable human being grow as both an artist and a person over the past 19 years. I love you to pieces.To Isabel, for nearly four years of constant love, support, and care. I have never had a best friend like you. Thank you for the joy you've brought to me-the joy you bring to everyone. Can't wait for our future together.To Libby, for being my guardian angel throughout the last couple weeks of this project. I love and miss you.