To cite this article: Todd Jennings (2010) Teaching 'out' in the university: an investigation into the effects of lesbian, bisexual, and transgender faculty self-disclosure upon student evaluations of faculty teaching effectiveness in the USAMany lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) university faculty worry about the effects of self-disclosure in their professional lives. One concern is that self-disclosure as LGBT could result in negative evaluations of one's teaching by students due to student bias against LGBT people. In order to investigate this concern, this study analysed student evaluations of three university faculty (one female bisexual, one lesbian, and one transgender person) in the USA. Student evaluations from course sections where faculty disclosed their lesbian, bisexual or transgender identities were compared with evaluations from sections of the same courses where lesbian, bisexual or transgender identities were not self-disclosed by the instructor. The findings indicate that instructors' self-disclosures had no detrimental affect upon students' evaluations of instructors' teaching effectiveness.