In principle, quantum key distribution (QKD) offers information-theoretic security based on the laws of physics. In practice, however, the imperfections of realistic devices might introduce deviations from the idealized models used in security analyses. Can quantum code-breakers successfully hack real systems by exploiting the side channels? Can quantum code-makers design innovative counter-measures to foil quantum code-breakers? This article reviews theoretical and experimental progress in the practical security aspects of quantum code-making and quantum code-breaking. After numerous attempts, researchers now thoroughly understand and are able to manage the practical imperfections. Recent advances, such as the measurement-device-independent protocol, have closed the critical side channels in the physical implementations, paving the way for secure QKD with realistic devices.
VI. DetectionSecurity 36 A. Countermeasures against detection attacks 36 B. Measurement-device-independent scheme 36 1. Time-reversed EPR QKD 36 2. MDI-QKD protocol 37 3. Theoretical developments 38 4. Experimental developments 39 C. Twin-field QKD 41 VII. Continuous-Variable QKD 42 A. Protocol and security 43 1. Gaussian-modulated protocol 43 2. Discrete modulated protocol 44 3. Security analysis 44 B. Experimental developments 45 C. Quantum hacking and countermeasures 46 VIII. Other Quantum Cryptographic Protocols 47 A. Device-independent QKD 47 B. Some New QKD implementations 48 1. Round-robin DPS QKD 48 2. High-dimensional QKD 50 3. QKD with wavelength-division multiplexing 51 4. Chip-based QKD 51 C. Other quantum cryptographic protocols 53 1. Quantum bit commitment 53 2. Quantum digital signature 53 3. Other protocols 54 IX. Concluding Remarks 55 Acknowledgement 57 A. General questions to QKD 57 References 58 1 Google Q: 2 IBM Q: 3 Rigetti: 4 CAS-Alibaba: 1. Concern 1. Since RSA is secure under current computational power, we do not need QKD now.