Introduction: Eccrine spiradenoma is extremely rare adnexal tumor of the sweat gland, mainly affecting middle aged persons with equal incidence in males and females. It is frequently a benign tumor characterized as solitary, painful deep-seated dermal nodule with most common sites being the upper thorax and face. Case report: A 35 year old male presented with multiple, painful swellings over scalp,face,anterior chest and back since 6 months with loss of weight and appetite for 2 months. On examination, patient had a single cervical lymph node of size 1*1cm in the right posterior triangle of neck. Multiple tender subcutaneous, hard, nonmobile swellings present over several areas with largest(2*1cm) over anterior chest wall. Histopathologically diagnosed as Eccrine spiradenoma which revealed clusters and sheets of cells having mild pleomorphic round to ovoid bland nuclei with indistinct cytoplasmic borders, occasional duct or follicular appearance and empty looking lumina with no necrosis or mitotic activity. Conclusion: Eccrine spiradenoma, a rare benign adnexal tumor confirmed by histopathological examination. Differential diagnosis include, Neuroma, Dermatofibroma, Glomus tumor, Angiolipoma, Cylindromas and leiomyomas. Diagnosis confirmation by histopathological examination is crucial because of its potential for malignant transformation. Its prognosis is poor as it has multiple recurrences. Histopathological examination is gold standard for the diagnosis.