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OFFPRINTEcho enabled harmonic generation free electron laser in a mode-locked configuration EPL is a leading international journal publishing original, high-quality Letters in all areas of physics, ranging from condensed matter topics and interdisciplinary research to astrophysics, geophysics, plasma and fusion sciences, including those with application potential.The high profile of the journal combined with the excellent scientific quality of the articles continue to ensure EPL is an essential resource for its worldwide audience. EPL offers authors global visibility and a great opportunity to share their work with others across the whole of the physics community.
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A LETTERS JOURNAL EXPLORING T H E FRONTIERS O F PHYSICSQuality -The 40+ Co-Editors, who are experts in their fields, oversee the entire peer-review process, from selection of the referees to making all final acceptance decisions Impact Factor -The 2010 Impact Factor is 2.753; your work will be in the right place to be cited by your peersSpeed of processing -We aim to provide you with a quick and efficient service; the median time from acceptance to online publication is 30 daysHigh visibility -All articles are free to read for 30 days from online publication dateInternational reach -Over 2,000 institutions have access to EPL, enabling your work to be read by your peers in 100 countriesOpen Access -Articles are offered open access for a one-off author payment Details on p...