Science|Environment|Health (S|E|H) is an emerging science pedagogy for complex living systems. The name highlights a situation of mutual benefit between science education, environmental education and health education. The paper discusses a range of topics from the curriculum-focused origin of the S|E|H movement to the issues that concern S|E|H researchers today. These include, among others, the role of scientific knowledge in S|E|H decision making, medicine education as a paradigmatic example of S|E|H, complexity in S|E|H issues, the role of empathy in S|E|H, and the tension between societal and individual responsibility. In conclusion, it is argued that two insights are essential for current S|E|H work. First, living systems can be understood both in causal and empathetic terms, which makes S|E|H a powerful 'science for all' approach. Second, in living systems, there is always a trade-off between predictability and homeostasis. This brings S|E|H in a natural antagonismbut not in oppositionto STEM approaches.