The Amazon has a megabiodiversity, among which the species of aquatic and semi-aquatic mammals that are distributed in the Amazon rivers stand out, whose human actions cause damage to their habitats. Therefore, the objective of this study was to understand the species of aquatic and semi-aquatic mammals endemic to or occurring in the Amazon region, considering the impacts on their diversity, habitat, and conservation status. To this end, a systematic bibliographical review was conducted using the keywords “aquatic mammals of the Amazon” and “aquatic mammals of the Amazon”, without making a historical cut. The species found were common, endemic, and non-endemic, with rare observations in the Brazilian Amazon, totaling 15 aquatic and two semi-aquatic species. It was observed that all of them are included in the list of endangered species, some with a less worrying classification and others in danger of extinction, threatened mainly by human actions. Therefore, it is necessary for human beings to become more aware of nature because of the great importance of these animals for Amazonian aquatic ecosystems.