This study investigates the use of a drone equipped with a thermal camera for recognizing wild mammal species in open areas and to determine the sex and age of red deer (Cervus elaphus) and roe deer (Capreolus capreoulus) in a 13 km2 moor in Denmark. Two separate surveys were conducted: (1) To achieve drone images for the identification of mammals, the drone was tested around a bait place with a live wildlife camera that was often visited by European badger (Meles meles), stone marten (Martes foina), European hare (Lepus europaeus), roe deer and cattle (Bos taurus). The thermal images of wild animal species could be distinguished by their body measures when the drone filmed with the camera pointed perpendicular to the ground in an altitude range of 50–120 m. A PCA ordination showed nonoverlapping body characteristics and MANOVA showed that the combined body measures used were significantly distinctive F = 6.8, p < 0.001. The reactions and behavioral responses of the different species to the altitude and noise of the drone were also tested in this place. (2) On a 13 km2 moor, a drone was used for a population study of deer. Red deer and roe deer were counted and separated by body measures. Red deer individuals could, at the right altitude, be separated into adults and calves, and males and females. Body length was the most conclusive body measure, and therefore a reference measurement in the field is recommended. The frame thermal images were effective in species recognition and for use in population studies of deer, and are thought to be more time-efficient and less invasive than traditional methods. In autumn, the number of stags and the life stage of red deer, as well as the distribution of deer in different types of vegetation, could be determined.