“…Conservative psychiatrisÈs, such as Szasz (I963, L965, 1974Szasz (I963, L965, , 1984 and Wood (1986) (Jacoby, 1975;Mannino & Shore, 1984t PosÈer, I978¡ Wineman,19g4 (Glenn & Kunnes, 1973, p. 109 taing's writings (Laing, 1969, Laing & Esterson, 1974 as well as the others' reviewed above contributed to Èhe momentun necessary for a paradign shift in abnorÍìal psychology. Laing ardently denounced the nedical model whereby people examined "heads, bIood, urine, or...sorne pathology exclusively 'in, the 'psyche"' (Laing, 1969, (Jacoby, 1975, p. 136).…”