Exchange rate data possesses time-series features such as a trend. Based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) deep learning algorithm, which has the advantages of detecting patterns, extracting effective features, finding interdependence of time series data, and its computational efficiency, this paper proposes a convolutional neural network with dropout modelbased approach to model and forecast exchange rates. In the meantime, this paper uses the CNN to first model and predict exchange rates and the corresponding results of this model are compared with those of the CNN-WD. The experimental results showed that the CNN-WD is superior to the CNN model in terms of the error value, fitting degree and training time. The dataset used for this research is that of daily exchange rates for the period between December 1, 2003, and October 15, 2021, which is comprised of 6528 daily trading observations. Adjusted closing rates are chosen. First, this paper adopts a CNN to effectively identify patterns and extract relevant data features of the exchange rate dataset, making use of the past 21 days. Dropout regularization is then adopted to help prevent the CNN model from overfitting data by temporarily removing a neuron from the network along with all its incoming and outgoing connections during training if its generated random value is below the set dropout rate. This paper further evaluates the reducibility and identifiability of the CNN-WD. As an application, this paper uses the CNN-WD to forecast the next month's average tea price in Kenya.