This study aimed to compare the efficacy of a protocols appropriately without complications. A patient-directed management strategy with officesignificant difference in change in mean blood based management in maintaining blood pressure pressure was observed, favoring the patientcontrol in patients with chronic stable directed management ( 00.95 mm Hg and /1.90 hypertension using a randomized trial of two mm Hg, respectively, for patient-directed months duration. The subjects had chronic stable management and office-based management, P Å essential hypertension without secondary causes .039 ) . Compliance rates and quality of life scores or unstable cardiovascular disease and were were not significantly different between groups. selected through the offices of 11 family Physician visits were more frequent in the physicians and a tertiary care hypertension patient-directed management group ( 1.05 v 0.20 research unit. Patients were randomly assigned visits / 8 weeks, respectively, for patient-directed ( 2:1 ratio ) to either a patient-directed management management and office-based management strategy using home blood pressure monitoring to groups, P Å .045 ) . A patient-directed hypertensive adjust drug therapy if readings consistently management strategy may be feasible for patients exceeded defined limits, or office-based with chronic stable hypertension. Such a strategy management through physician visits. The may improve blood pressure control compared primary endpoint was the change from baseline in with usual office-based care. However, physician mean arterial pressure as determined by automatic visits may be increased using this strategy, at least ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Secondary in the short term. ᭧ 1997 American Journal of endpoints were changes in compliance, quality of Hypertension, Ltd. Am J Hypertens 1997; 10:58 -67 life, and health care resource use. Ninety-one potential subjects were screened and 31 were KEY WORDS: Hypertension, home blood pressure randomized. Subjects in the patient-directed monitoring, self-management. management group employed the drug adjustment