“…While the range of economic perspectives and applications to the above wildliferelated issues are diverse, we examined one segment of economic analysis that commonly has been applied to wildlife management issues, contingent valuation. Contingent valuation has been widely applied to estimate the economic value of wildliferelated activities such as hunting (Duffield and Neher 1990, Fried et al 1995, Roach et al 1996, fishing (Olsen et al 1991), and conservation issues (Jakus et al 1997, Reaves et al 1999, Loomis 2000. Although less often applied for the purpose, CV can be useful in predicting the effect of wildlife-related recreation fee changes (e.g., license fees, entrance fees for viewing areas) on participation and revenue to the agency (Anderson et al 1985, Remington et al 1996,Teisl et al 1999, Sutton et al 2001.…”