Energy transformation and sustainability have become a challenge, especially for developing countries, which face broad energy-related issues such as a wide demand-supply gap, extensive fossil fuel dependency, and low accessibility to clean energy. Globally, smart grid technology has been identified to address these affairs and enable a smooth transition from traditional to smart energy systems, ensuring energy security. This paper studies the critical role in strengthening the power system, integrating renewable sources, electrifying the transport sector, and harnessing bioenergy. Evaluating the current energy scenario in Nepal, this article presents the smart grid as a solution to existing and future energy issues and the associated challenges during its implementation, urging concerned authorities to launch initiatives to promote it. Moreover, this study also lays the foundation for future research into the smart grid's potential to reform the power sector in other developing nations with abundant renewable energy sources and similar energy-related barriers.
KeywordSmart grid technology • Microgrid • Renewable energy • Energy transition • Challenges • Nepal * Shukra Raj Paudel