Introduction: There is the increasing number of elderly patients with motion disabilities who require help and infatuations from nursing stuff. According to the Central Statistic
Department (GUS), 25,4% people in Poland is over 60. In 2050 this number will increase to 40%(39,9%). This is very important topic because when the number of old people
will increase the geriatric care will be more important. Especially because this is partially covered by nursing team. They should be satisfied and content of the job they do, and they should fulfill the aim they had when they started this profession.
The aim: Analysis of nurse’s work with patients, nursing procedures evaluation, how this procedure is scored by the nurse, what is the nurse’s role in the rehabilitation process.
Material and methods: There were nursing process with geriatric patients analyzed in this article. There were nursing procedures investigated with the opinion of the person
who performed this procedure. Role of the nurse in rehabilitation process was and the satisfaction from typical work load was analyzed.
Results: Analyzed results showed that there is a deficit in the nurse’s knowledge and the lack of the complex care in elderly patient with disabilities. There is lack of the preparation and education program to perform holistic patient care. This includes monitoring, examination and elderly needs.
Conclusions: The nurse is the first link that helps the patient to understand his disease. The nurse develops therapeutic contact that helps the patient to feel safe and positively react for the introduced treatment.