The purpose of the study was to explore the experiences among cervical cancer patients during follow-up care. Patients and Methods: A qualitative study was conducted with purposively selected cervical cancer patients receiving follow-up treatment at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and analyzed via thematic analysis.
Results:The results obtained in this study indicated that women experienced a variety of physical and psychosocial difficulties in the context of cervical cancer care. The data analysis resulted in five themes. Women have undergone difficulties indicated as lack of satisfaction with the health care experience, dealing with treatment side effects, struggle in work and daily life, having stress, disruption in social relationships, and financial difficulties incurred because of their illness and treatment.
Conclusion:This study highlights that cervical cancer patient's experience is the outcome of a complex interplay by personal, clinical, psychological, and social spheres. Thus, interdisciplinary approach between health and psychosocial professionals is needed during follow-up care in order to help women experience better psychosocial adjustment.