Original scientific paper Researches (2011 and2014) about the electro conductivity of the soil and its importance in the inventorying of soils were conducted on the experimental stations of the Belje Company. Through this research the hypothesis about the importance of application of the principle of electro conductivity in the process of determining the properties of the soil through the use of ES scanners was confirmed. Regarding the application of methods according to the principle of electro conductivity of the soil, it is evident that randomized sampling method i.e. the samples were not sufficiently homogeneous and precise, whereas the predictive method of sampling was more advanced and the samples were more homogenous and presented the state on the production level better. During the research conducted through method "Z scheme", 324 GPS points were performed, while when using randomized method, in which it is not obligatory to cover the whole area, 252 GPS points were counted. This fact indicates that this method is particularly reliable when drafting a map, which is intended to be used in agricultural practice, and it is recommended for decision making regarding agricultural operations, such as fertilizing, plant protection operations, land reclamation and levelling the ground.
Keywords: agricultural operations; crop production; electrical conductivity; scanner of electrical conductivity; soil properties
Primjena načela elektrovodljivosti i uporaba EC skenera za utvrđivanje svojstava tlaIzvorni znanstveni članak Istraživanja (2011. i 2014.) su obavljena na pokušalištu tvrtke Belje i to o elektrovodljivosti tla i njenom značaju pri inventarizaciji tala uz izradu karte elektrovodljivosti.Ovim istraživanjem potvrdila se hipoteza o značaju primjene načela elektrovodljivosti pri utvrđivanju svojstava tla uporabom skenera EC. U pogledu primjene metoda prema načelu elektrovodljivosti tla, evidentno je da randomizirana metoda uzorkovanja odnosno uzorci nisu dovoljno homogeni i precizni, dok prediktivna metoda uzimanja uzoraka je naprednija a uzorci su homogeniji i bolje reprezentiraju stanje na proizvodnoj površini. Tijekom provedenih istraživanja metodom "Z sheme" obavljano je 324 GPS točki, dok je pri uporabi randomizirane metode izbrojano 252 GPS točki s time da primjenom ove metode nije potrebno prekriti cijelu površinu. Ova činjenica ukazuje na to da je pri izradi karte namjene u poljoprivrednoj praksi, ova metoda posebno pouzdana kao preporuka za odlučivanje u svezi agrotehničkih zahvata, primjerice u gnojidbi, zaštiti bilja, melioracijama, te niveliranju terena.