This paper measures the socioeconomic and resource-efficient influences of digital transformation in the public sector in the European region. To capture the socioeconomic impacts of digital public services, we employ a socioeconomic score index calculated as the unweighted average of the re-scaled scores for changes in employment, exports, and turnover from ecoindustries. Regarding resource-efficient impacts, we employ the resource efficiency score index measured as the unweighted average of the re-scaled scores for material, energy productivity, and the intensity of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Measures such as user-centricity, business mobility, and key enablers are used to demonstrate the level of digitalization in the public sector. According to our estimations based on various econometric techniques, digital public services have a favorable effect on the economy and society through a positive impact on employment, exports, and turnover of eco-industries. The effects of digitalization on resource productivity follow a nonlinear U-shaped curve, suggesting that the improvement of resource efficiency is only present when the digital transformation process reaches a certain level.