The article presents changes in fixed assets in agriculture on farms in two selected countries of the European Union, which are Poland and Spain in the period from 2004-2016. Both of these countries were selected on the basis of similar qualitative and quantitative characteristics that are characteristic of agriculture. An additional determinant of the choice of these countries was a similar economic situation before and after accession to the structures of the European Union. The article consists of an introduction, where the essence and significance of fixed assets in agriculture have been presented. Subsequently, the material and methodology of the research were presented. The comparison of fixed assets of both countries was based on statistical data from the European Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). The analysis of the material shows that in the years 2006-2016, the value and number of fixed assets in total in Polish and Spanish farms were gradually increasing. Two significant groups of fixed assets were indicated, namely: agricultural land with plantations (SE446) and buildings (SE450). In Polish farms, depreciation is higher than in Spain, which is related to the greater number of owned buildings. In addition, the value of livestock was almost three times higher in Spain than in Poland in 2004-2016.