The application of cellular automata is a technique of modelling complex systems with broad uses into the economy, especially into the approach of game theory. In this research the author pretends to use a model of cellular automata related to a probabilistic model to estimate the entropy in an economical system with the objective of analyze satisfaction or non-satisfaction in the behavior of consumers, and understand how cellular automata allow visualize the dynamical of consumption. The method used in this research was based in the idea to describe the dynamics of consumption considering a cellular automata 2D which represents prices versus goods, and the dynamics of it shows how consumption behaves. For that purpose a Schelling´s model was used including a model of interchange game and Gibbs distribution to understand the trends of entropy of the economic system. There were analyzed four possibilities in the evolution of the system regarding previously the entropy into the evolution of the system. The results reflect preliminary data to regard improvements in the model as a preliminary model in order to consider it as an application of the Econophysics to studies of theory of consume through the utilization of cellular automata class four.