Rejection of the liberal socio-political course requires the development of a new model of political management, adequate to the national model of a mixed economy. The purpose of this work is to study the natural and internal institutional factors of the country’s development that influence the form of political governance in Russia. Natural factors – climate, geographical location, availability of natural resources, area, etc. – determine the sectoral structure of production, the possibility of extracting natural rent, the cost and efficiency of production, the state of transport, management costs, defense, energy, and other important indicators of macro- and geo-economics. Institutional factors - characteristics of culture, mentality and written law - influence the behavior of the population, especially in crisis situations. All this indirectly forms a special management model over the centuries. The authors chose a systematic approach, historical, cultural and institutional analysis as methods. An auxiliary method was the method of analogy, which made it possible to attract data from ethnography, the history of family development, as well as animal psychology, reflected in culture. The principles of economic and geographical determinism, as well as the cybernetic principle of feedback, are applied. The practical significance of the work lies in the introduction into scientific circulation of the concept of national-patriotic authoritarianism and the conclusion about its adequacy for Russia, in determining the share of expenditures on public goods from GDP that is desirable for Russia, as well as in the introduction into scientific circulation of methods for determining the correspondence of the mentality and image of any living thing creatures as an informal symbol of a people or state.