Equipment utilization is one facet of commercial kitchen management. Technology era Industry 4.0 significantly impacted food production, and technology era Society 5.0 has improved the process’s effectiveness and efficiency. This study examines how human agents, such as chefs and kitchen crew, collaborate with artificial agents, represented by smart machines, to attain precision and consistency in the culinary arts. The study underlines the value of chefs’ essential skills, creativity, and leadership in delivering one-of-a-kind culinary experiences. While technology and clever tools have become integral parts of commercial kitchens, chefs’ human touch and personal interaction remain critical. The research also looks at the difficulties and limitations of artificial agents in perfectly recreating human experience and cultural characteristics. It emphasizes the importance of human–machine collaboration to optimize production processes, increase efficiency, and solve the issue of abstraction in the culinary arts. However, it highlights that technology can only replace human intelligence and experience to a limited extent. The study indicates that reciprocal care and collaboration between human and artificial agents are critical for commercial kitchen management’s long-term performance and sustainability in the Society 5.0 era.
Keywords: human agents, artificial agents, commercial kitchen