In this study, the changes in soil organic matter (SOM) and the possibilities of their monitoring in a shorter period of time by means of carbon parameters were followed. The experiment includes four ecosystems (forest, meadow, urban, and agro-ecosystem) on Haplic Chernozem (Močenok, Horná Kráľová, Trnava) and Haplic Luvisol (Ludanice, Veľké Zálužie, Lovce) of different localities. The objectives of this study were assessment of the differences in the stability of soil organic matter in different ecosystems and in soil types using labile forms of carbon and nitrogen, and also with dependence on particle size distribution. The highest contents of total organic carbon (TOC) and labile carbon (C L ) were in a forest ecosystem, but in case of other ecosystems, the differences were determined only in the contents of C L . After forest ecosystem, the highest content of C L was in agro-ecosystem > meadow ecosystem > urban ecosystem. Based on parameter of lability of carbon (L C ), the most labile carbon can be evaluated also in the forest ecosystem (0.209) > agroecosystem (0.178) > meadow ecosystem (0.119) and urban ecosystem (0.116). In the case of nitrogen, the differences were observed between the soils. Higher contents of NT and N L were recorded in Haplic Chernozen than in Haplic Luvisol. Contents of TOC (P < 0.05; r = -0.480), C NL (P < 0.05; r = -0.480), and N L (P < 0.01; r = -0.545) were in a negative correlation with the content of sand fraction. The values of studied parameters in meadow and urban ecosystems were relatively balanced, because in both cases, the vegetation cover were grass, pointing to a significant influence of vegetation on the parameters of SOM. ekosystémoch a pôdnych typoch s využitím labilných foriem uhlíka a dusíka a v závislosti od pôdnej textúry. Najvyššie obsahy TOC aj C L boli v lesnom ekosystéme, ale medzi ostatnými ekosystémami boli stanovené rozdiely len v obsahoch C L . Po lesnom ekosystéme bol najvyšší obsah C L v agroekosystéme > lúčnom ekosystéme > urbánnom ekosystéme. Na základe parametra lability uhlíka (L C ) môžeme tiež hodnotiť za najlabilnejší uhlík v lesnom ekosystéme (0,209) > agro-ekosystéme (0,178) > lúčnom ekosystéme (0,119) a urbánnom ekosystéme (0,116). V prípade dusíka boli zaznamenané rozdiely medzi pôdnymi typmi. Vyššie obsahy NT aj N L boli zaznamenané v černozemi ako v hnedozemi. Obsahy TOC (P < 0.05; r = -0.480), C NL (P < 0.05; r = -0.483) a N L (P < 0.01; r = -0.545) boli v negatívnej závislosti od obsahu frakcie piesku. Hodnoty sledovaných parametrov v lúčnom a urbánnom ekosystéme boli pomerne vyrovnané, pretože v obidvoch prípadoch boli vegetačným krytom trávy, čo poukazuje na výrazný vplyv vegetácie na parametre SOM.